Natural Skin Care for Dry Skin
Dry skin is typically dull, can be flaky and rough to touch. Dry skin can feel tight, tough and even itchy at times and prone to showing visible lines and wrinkling with no enlarged pores. Not to be mistaken with dehydrated skin (which lacks moisture), dry skin lacks oil due to the skin not producing enough oil naturally. Dry skin can come with age as hormones change particularly as woman transcend peri-menopause. Using natural skin care for dry skin will help restore balance and support a healthy and well-functioning skin barrier.
ESYM Natural Face Mist
Awaken the senses and hydrate the skin with 100% natural handcrafted fragrant facial mist.
Best for: hydrating in all skin types.
Volume: 30ml
LES HUILETTES Mon Huilette Cleanse
LES HUILETTES Mon Huilette Sensitive
LES HUILETTES Mon Huilette Universal Emulsion Cream
OMNILUX Contour Face LED
OMNILUX Contour Neck & Décolleté LED
The JOJOBA COMPANY Australian Jojoba
The JOJOBA COMPANY Calming Jojoba
The JOJOBA COMPANY Jojoba Activating Cleansing Oil
The JOJOBA COMPANY Jojoba and Enzyme Radiance Mask
The JOJOBA COMPANY Overnight Multi-Biotic Moisture Cream
The JOJOBA COMPANY Probiotic Jojoba Milk
THE JOJOBA COMPANY Ultimate Night Cream
THE KONJAC SPONGE Co. Mandala Aloe Vera Face Sponge
VENN Collagen Intensive Phyto-Retinol Renewal Mask
VENN's groundbreaking supercharged collagen boosting sheet mask with 0.5% Bakuchiol is a power surge booster to help reduce multiple signs of ageing.
Best for: firming and lifting mature skin, brightening dull skin and reducing the appearance of uneven skin tone.
Volume : 23ml x 2 masks per pack
VENN Regenerative 10B-EXO EGF Ampoule
VENN Synbiotic Defense Mist
Refreshing and hydrating face mist, using VENN’s proprietary combination of probiotics and prebiotics to help balance the skin microbiome and instantly nourish and revitalise the skin.
Best for: All skin types, recommended for acne-prone and dry skin types.
Volume: 100ml