Simply Gentle live by the philosophy that: “it is every persons duty to treat our planet with respect and to…
Simply Gentle live by the philosophy that:
“it is every persons duty to treat our planet with respect and to do everything possible to help care for it”.
The company’s strong environmentalism ethos means actions to reduce their carbon footprint are priority. Actions such as; reducing plastic usage, finding conventional plastic alternatives, supporting the growth of organic cotton agriculture, and spreading awareness on the importance of recycling are all considered in every product and each step of the manufacturing process.
Simply Organic manufacture sustainable everyday personal care items from several key raw ingredients; 100% organic cotton, FSC paper and bioplastic packs made from sugarcane, which are all sustainably sourced and biodegradable. Meaning that every product they produce is better for you and better for the planet.
100% Organic Cotton
Simply Gentle Organics has a huge positive impact on our planet, supporting the growth and production or organic cotton in up to 20 countries worldwide.
Conventional cotton is farmed using around 25% of the world’s insecticides, that’s more than any other crop in the world, and 10% of the world’s pesticides. All these chemicals can be deadly. Each year up to 20,000 deaths are caused by pesticide poisoning in developing countries. These chemicals are washed off in heavy rain, which then flows into rivers, waterways and lakes, poisoning local wildlife. Pesticide are being found in our food, farm animals, and even breastmilk. The long-term impacts of pesticides on our bodies is of significant concern, being linked to various cancers in adults and neurodevelopment effects in children.
Organic cotton is grown using methods and materials that have a low impact on the environment. Building more sustainable agriculture via smarter production systems that replenish and maintain soil fertility and reduce the use of toxic and hazardous pesticides and fertilizers. Growing organic cotton requires far less water and energy to grow than conventional cotton, what this means is water pollution is reduced by up to 98% and CO2 emissions is cut by up to 94%. This has a great impact on local areas, improving welfare of towns, farmers, workers, wildlife on ecosystems.
Still, less than 1% of cotton is grown organically and it will remain so unless more people and brands make the change to a happier, healthier and a more sustainable source of cotton materials.
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