How to Combat your Skin Concerns

How to Guide

Combat Your Skin Concerns

What are the common skin concerns and their causes? 

Not to be confused with  skin type- which is genetic, a skin concern or condition is the result of environmental aggressors, lifestyle, diet and internal inflammation including hormonal fluctuations. Skin concerns in many cases can be easily treated with natural products and are not permanent. 

Most skin conditions, although common, can be managed with a simple three step routine of natural beauty products suited to your skin type and optimised to address your skin concerns. To understand your skin type better read our Journal How to Identify Your Skin Type. Now let’s take a look at the most common skin concerns, their causes and how to combat them for healthy glowing skin. 

Skin Dehydration

Dehydrated and dry skin can share the same signs but they are in fact distinctly different. Dry skin is a lack of oil in the skin where dehydrated skin is a lack of water in the skin. Even oily skin can feel greasy but look parched due to a lack of water in the skin.

Dehydrated skin can look dull, making fine lines more noticeable and the overall tone and firmness of the skin will suffer. A simple and easy way to identify dehydration in your skin is to lightly squeeze the cheek area between your two fingers. If you notice any wrinkling and if the skin doesn’t bounce back after you let go, then your skin may be dehydrated.

Why should you treat dehydrated skin?

Dehydrated skin can result in congestion as the skin produces more oil to compensate for the lack of water. If that isn’t reason enough, hydrated skin looks more youthful as it is more plump and firm in appearance. Hydrated skin is more resilient to environmental aggressors and better able to ward off the early signs of ageing.

Dehydrated skin is easily treated with these daily do’s:
  • Increase your water intake, aim for eight glasses per day
  • Eat water-rich veggies and fruits like celery, watermelon
  • Limit your intake of coffee and alcohol
  • Please stop smoking!
  • Get your beauty sleep– 7 to 8 hours a night
  • Stimulate cell renewal on your face and body twice a week with a gentle exfoliation
  • Use an all natural face mist to boost hydration
  • Introduce a Hyaluronic Acid serum each morning and night, the results are almost instant and compound daily with continued application. Learn more about Hyaluronic Acid and it’s wonderful benefits in our complete guide to hyaluronic acid in skincare.
Blackheads and Congestion

Congestion is a result of clogged pores typically caused by an inconsistent cleansing routine and a build-up of dead skin cells, along with exposure to contributing factors like pollution, humidity and poor diet. Congested skin can feel and appear bumpy and is often associated with oily skin

Why should you treat blackheads and congestion?

Clear and healthy skin is resilient and well equipped to defend against inflammation and sensitivities that can contribute to early signs of ageing. Skin that is clear and regularly pampered is able to optimise the benefits from natural skincare treatments and products, for the best visible results. Not to mention natural mineral makeup looks airbrushed on clear complexions for the best version of you.

Blackheads and congestion skin is easily treated with these daily do’s:
  • Seal in the moisture with a natural moisturiser
  • Use a pore refining cleanser morning and night look for one with salicylic acid or lactic acid
  • Introduce a nightly sleep serum of AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids). They work by reducing congestion while providing antioxidants to the skin and bringing life to the complexion. You can read more on Why You Need AHAs in Your Skincare here.
  • Be diligent with a weekly natural beauty mask or peel that works to exfoliate and calm, drawing impurities while soothing any redness and inflammation.  
Breakouts and Acne

Poor diet, stress and hormone fluctuations are the most common contributors to breakouts and acne. Hormonal fluctuations plague us all at certain times causing increases in sebum production and skin inflammation, while stress produces cortisol in our body that plays havoc on the quality of our skin and hair.

Why should you treat breakouts and acne?

Treating your breakouts and acne not only helps support better skin function but has a positive impact on your confidence. We certainly encourage you to shine bright in your own unique self. The positive benefits of a dedicated daily self-ritual that takes as little as twelve minutes each morning and night gives you a little time out just for you, and as a bonus it leads to better skin. Choose a self-care ritual to boost wellbeing. Taking time for yourself to escape from the world is great for reducing stress and recharging the mind.

Breakouts and acne are easily treated with these daily do’s:
  • up your water intake to 8 glasses a day
  • limit sugary foods and add fresh antioxidant foods like berries, strawberries, and kiwi fruits to your diet. They help to calm internal inflammation.
  • use a mild and gentle cleanser that does not strip the skin
  • as with breakouts and acne AHAs can be of benefit
  • apply a lightweight moisturiser
  • use a breakout gel
  • chose makeup that won’t clog the pores and cares for your skin as you wear it

Did you know makeup can cause a form of acne and breakouts? It is called Acne Cosmetica and appears in the form of tiny bumps typically on the forehead, cheeks and chin. Switching to a natural makeup is a fast track to clear skin.

Read more tips for managing breakouts and making the switch to mineral foundation in our 101 Guide to Managing Maskne.

Premature Ageing

We here at TNC we live by a simple mantra of well-ageing,  that sees us living a holistic lifestyle to help prevent extrinsic ageing (that’s environmental ageing). Through this approach we strive to look naturally the best we can for our age. Happy confident and embracing our smile lines one year at a time.

Prevention is simpler than the cure

Invasive procedures while instant and possibly gratifying at the time, may not be for everyone. Weekly light treatments, internal supplements, an active life and really great quality all-natural skincare and makeup are our choices for warding off premature ageing. Natural ingredients have come a long way in the past ten years with natural and organic brands leading the way in results driven, science backed skincare. Buying into quality products not only works, but saves your hip pocket in the long run as you use less.

Signs of ageing can be minimised with these daily do’s:

Nature has provided us with an abundance of botanicals that are rich in pro-ageing Vitamins A, B, C and E. When paired with omega-rich fatty acids known as ceramides it is easy to avoid synthetic ingredients. Read more of our top well-ageing tips here.

By selecting natural skincare products designed to manage your skin concerns you CAN achieve your skin goals and have healthy and balanced skin.

Join us each week over the next eight weeks as we explore the best skincare products for your skin type and skin concerns in our “The Best For” series.

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