Natural Skin Care for Sensitive Skin

Regardless of whether you have oily, dry, combination or balanced skin, you can also have sensitive skin. All skin can show signs of sensitivity, appearing as redness or rosacea and can be painful to the touch typically described as “burning” or hot. Sensitive skin types are more vulnerable to external irritants and can be triggered by detergents, fragrances and selected ingredients and preservatives as well as diet and the sun. It’s recommended to take a holistic approach treating sensitive skin. First take the time to determine what triggers your sensitivity and avoid them. Second, use the best natural skin care for sensitive skin to help restore balance across and support a healthy, well-functioning skin barrier.

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SPF 30 Natural Face Sunscreen and BB Cream

Lightweight matte finish cream. SPF30 BB cream formulated with organic botanicals to hydrate, nourish and prime, leaving skin silky smooth, luminous and shielded from the sun’s harmful rays. Best For: Daily sun protection in all skin types, including sensitive skin. Volume: 60g


Mandala Aloe Vera Face Sponge

Genuine Original Korean Konjac Face Sponge with Aloe Vera.

The latest addition to the Konjac Sponge Co family, the Aloe Vera Konjac Face Sponge. The naturally rich moisture-rich content makes it a winner for dry and sensitive skin. Best For: a gentle and hydrating cleanse for dry and sensitive skin